
Showing posts from January, 2022

Marc Tacchi What is a Web App?

Marc Tacchi  What is a Web App? During the last years we have seen how the way of surfing the internet has changed radically. Gone are those times of having to wait to get home to pick up the PC and catch up on the news. Marc Tacchi Now, and with technological advances, we have all the news at our fingertips. The appearance of smart terminals has meant a change of era but also a change in our life habits. Because ...   Who of us does not go on the subway or on the bus with a smartphone in hand, finding out about everything that is happening in the world?  Marc Tacchi This is the main reason why many webmasters have seen the development of web apps for their pages as a clear necessity. In today's post we are going to tell you what a web app consists of. A web app is a version of the web page that is optimized and adaptable to any mobile device. In other words, it is a page that can be opened from the browser of any terminal regardless of the operating system you use. This...